
Про нас
Ми починали з бажання віднайти зв’язок між древніми традиціями та сучасним світом. Натхненні символікою Таро, енергією знаків зодіаку та мудрістю ритуалів очищення, ми створили колекцію свічок, у кожній з яких закарбовано частинку космічної енергії. Кожна свічка – це маленька історія, що розповідає про магію Всесвіту, про силу зірок та про незвідані таємниці, які приховані всередині кожного з нас.
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What are astral candles?
Astral candles are unique candles created with the help of ancient magical rituals and blessings that carry the energy of our ancestors for attracting abundance, protection, and harmonizing your space.
How do our astral candles work?
Each candle undergoes a special blessing ritual during which our Mysterious Heiress imbues it with the power and wisdom of ancient traditions. This enables the candles to influence your spiritual alignment and help resolve life’s challenges.
How should I properly use an astral candle?
We recommend lighting the candle in a calm atmosphere during meditation or a ritual. Follow the instructions provided with each candle to fully harness its energetic potential.
Are astral candles safe?
Yes, our candles are made from natural ingredients and go through a thorough blessing ritual. However, please always adhere to standard safety measures when using them.
Are the candles blessed?
Yes, each candle is blessed by our Mysterious Heiress, ensuring its unique magical energy and the power passed down through generations.
How do I choose an astral candle for myself?
In our collection, each candle carries its unique message and energetic signature. Choose the one that best resonates with your current needs—whether it’s for attracting abundance, providing protection, or cleansing your space.
Can an astral candle be given as a gift?
Absolutely! Astral candles make an excellent gift for those who appreciate spirituality and seek harmony. They serve as a symbolic talisman and an inspiring sign of support.